My boy asked me, “What is Love? Why do you say that you love me?” I answered him saying that love is an emotion and I love him because he means the world to me. He did not seem to be happy with my answer. I don’t blame him as love is not something which can be defined in one line. So, I’m pondering over my thoughts on love today..
Can you define love? One way to define it would be “care” though it does not complete the meaning of love. We operate with a degree of politeness and concern for people we care. We tolerate and make sacrifices for people we care. Their smallest problem will be ours to resolve but “care” is not enough to define love.
Does “admire” define love? We admire beauty, strength, versatility and so many other qualities in a person. Is admiration the beginning of love? ..
We “desire” for zillion things. We desire for care and admiration. So, does our desires define love?
Love is the purest form of emotion. It is the first emotion we feel right from the time we are in the womb. I remember when I was carrying my boy. I would talk to him for hours, tell him stories and be excited to see him during the scans. It is the purest form of love I felt for my child and the emotion has grown stronger day by day. Love for my child is clear, kind, effortless and selfless..
Love is what I feel for my mother. I have known her all my life. She raised me, taught me so many things and her love was always there to protect me..
Love is what I feel for my husband. It is a bond we share for life with trust. It is love with admiration, desire, attraction and respect. I feel the strength when I’m down and he’s there right beside me…
So, what is love? It is definitely we all humans feel and contemplate with it every day. It is defiantly more than an emotion. Love is bold, it is beautiful, love is life. Love gives you wings, it lets you fly, love is life…
So, until I ponder again with another emotion, love yourself and spread love..
Priya Shiva
What a ‘love’ly post, Priya, thank you. I was told once that love is the strongest force in the universe.
Thank you 🙂
Lovely post
thank you Raksha 🙂
The way you expressed your emotions is more than extra ordinary.Such a beautiful thought.Thank you for this post.I will bookmark it.
thank you 🙂